¤Navel sampling procedure: Fruit should have symptoms of Categories I-IV*. Evaluate 50 fruit per tree on 20 or more different trees in the grower block. Through Feb. 7: Normal sample - Collect 20 fruit with symptoms (Category I-IV)*. This is at least 1 fruit/tree (Total fruit 20); After Feb. 7: Normal sample - Collect 30 fruit with symptoms (Category I-IV)*. This is approximately 1 and 2 fruit with symptoms per even and odd numbered trees, respectively (Total fruit 30).
¤¤Valencia sampling procedure: same as above except 10 fruit will be submitted from each grower lot. Fruit need to be delivered within one day of collection to the following address:
California NAVEK Project
Kearney Ag Center
9240 S. Riverbend Ave.
Parlier, CA 93648
* – For a color guide on fruit symptoms or for a copy of the Septoria Spot GAPs, see: CCQC at http://www.calcitrusquality.org/ (Alerts and Advisories).
** – Packinghouses in Riverside and San Bernardino Co. may make arrangements for the evaluation of fruit samples with the Plant Pathology laboratory of Dr. J. E. Adaskaveg at UC Riverside.